Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Honor kills ARE murder!

Just saw a talking head saying "what's on the program next." And one of the spots coming up is, "The Muslim executive who killed his wife. Was it an honor killing, or was it murder."

See, here's the thing. In Muslim communities, if a woman "disgraces" her husband or family in any way, as for example by wanting a divorce, or telling someone he beats her, he gets to kill her to avenge the stain on his honor!

But according to Muslim tradition, honor kills are merely domestic violence.

Indeed, this Muslim executive is only facing second degree murder charges. What does a guy have to do to get first degree murder charage these days, for god's sake?,2933,494785,00.html

But psychologists and some American Muslims said the slaying has all the markings of an honor killing.

"The fierce and gruesome nature of this murder signals it's an honor killing," said Dr. Phyllis Chesler, an author and professor of psychology at the Richmond College of the City University of New York. "What she did was worthy of capital punishment in his eyes."

Following multiple episodes of domestic violence, Aasiya Hassan filed for divorce on Feb. 6 and obtained an order of protection that barred her husband from their home, according to attorney Elizabeth DiPirro, whose law firm, Hogan Willig, represented Aasiya Hassan in the divorce proceeding.

Chesler, who wrote "Are Honor Killings Simply Domestic Violence?" for Middle East Quarterly, said some Muslim men consider divorce a dishonor on their family.

"This is not permitted in their culture," said Chesler, whose study analyzed more than 50 reports of honor killings in North America and Europe. "This is, from a cultural point of view, an honor killing."

Chesler said honor killings typically are Muslim-on-Muslim crimes and largely involve teenage daughters, young women and, to a lesser extent, wives.

But Chesler said the "extremely gruesome nature" of the crime closely matches the characteristics of an honor killing.

"Leaving the body parts displayed the way he did, like a terrorist would do, that's very peculiar, it's very public," Chesler said. "He wanted to show that even though his business venture may have been failing, that he was in control of his wife."

Chesler called on U.S. and Canadian immigration authorities to inform potential Muslim immigrants and new Muslim citizens that it's illegal to abuse women in the two countries.

"As long as Islamist advocacy groups continue to obfuscate the problem, and government and police officials accept their inaccurate versions of reality, women will continue to be killed for honor in the West, such murder may even accelerate," Chesler wrote. "Unchecked by Western law, their blood will be on society's hands."

In an effort to deflect criticism away from the Muslim religion:

"There will be time for that later," Hirschfield said in a statement obtained by "I will only say to those who leap to the conclusion that this kind of thing is intrinsic to Islam, ask yourselves if you think that drunkenness is intrinsic to Irish Catholics, or cheating in business is to Jews?"

In one way he's got a point, in another way... um, honor killings are a bit more serious than getting drunk (especially when you can get so drunk that you fall on the subway tracks, and still get paid millions of dollars by the subway company because "they" were at fault for running over him. Eutanize that guy and give that money back to the state.) and Catholics don't make their wives wear burkhas in public. Orthodox Jews have some weird restrictions - I believe there are places in New York of a Sunday where women can't leave their home.... or can only travel in "their neighborhood" so they put these little symbolic signs on the walls of the streets as far as the nearest store, and that allows them to be able to walk out of the house, because "technically" they're still at home. Now if that ain't stupid...

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