Friday, February 27, 2009

Evil Media: The recent Cheetohs commerrcials

I like Cheetohs...and I really loved the old Cheetohs commercials, with the late Phil Hartman as a megalomaniac businessman trying to steal the secret of Cheetohs, and the Cheetoh Cheetah foiling the plan.

But what do we get today, in 2009?

So far I've seen two Cheetohs commercials, repulsive on so many levels.

Each one has two female characters. Both relatively young and attractive.

But one is, ostensibly, somewhat snobby, or more successful than the other one.

In one, they're at two separate tables having breakfast or something. The one who is *not* snobby tosses some cheetos on the ground beside the one who *is* snobby, the implication being she will soon be divebombed by pigeons looking for a free meal, and who will dishevel her perfectly put together appearance. And serve her rigtht for being so snooty, the commercial seems to say.

The next one is of two women at a soccer match, I guess. And one woman, dressed in a white jacket, is bragging on her son. The other woman hugs her and rubs her Cheetoh-covered fingers on the back of the woman's jacket. Then she walks away, smirking.

Class envy, anyone? The "poor" destroying that what the "rich" has? The "rich" deserving it because they're so "snooty." Didn't do anything to deserve their wealth, so they don't deserve to be happy with it?

But also the women are just so spiteful... I hate it. They're not funny, and they give little brats ideas for destruction rather than lifting kids up with good examples!

Now more than ever, we need commercials that lift up America, don't dumb them down or encourage such spiteful behavior.

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