Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do We Really Need People Telling Us How to Save Money?

I don't watch Oprah Winfrey. Well - I don't watch any of those shows - Montel Williams, Jerry Springer...all those that take the dregs of the earth and parade them on TV for everyone to look at...


Anyway, apparently Suze Orman, financial advisor, was on the show before Obama's election, and was giving advice on how families could save money.

(Because, of course, people who need to save money are too stupid to figure this out on their own.)

Her viewers were asked to make a financial pledge. (Now, I'm just quoting what the Rush Limbaugh show was told. It doesn't make any sense to me, if its true.)

1. Don't use your credit cards for a week.
2. Don't spend any cash at all for two weeks.
3. Don't eat out in a restaurant

Now, points one and two just don't make sense. If you don't use credit cards, and you don't use cash... how are you getting food? Is this being delivered by Obama's elves? Or perhaps what wasn't given was a preview that they weren't talking about food, but other stuff - don't buy shoes, don't buy new clothes, etc.

And that of course makes sense. If you can barely afford to put food on the table, you don't need to buy a new pair of shoes every week. (Buy a book instead and get an education for god's sake.)

But do people really need to be told this? They can't figure it out for themselves? Obviously not.

The 3rd point about saving money... don't eat out in a restaurant. Well, that makes sense, of course. If you can't afford to put food on the table, you sure can't afford to go out to a restaurant.

But if you're trying to save money... is not eating at a restaurant really a good deal? For one thing, all the waiters and cooks...if they don't get customers, they get fired... then they'll be in the boat of not using their credit cards or spending cash...

I don't know about guys, but as a woman with a modest appetite, I usually get twice as much food as I need in a restaurant. I don't throw out what I don't eat, I take it home and have it for lunch the next day. Saves money - two meals for the cost of one.

It's tough economic times out there. And thanks to Obama, and the politics of entitlement, its only going to get worse.

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