Thursday, March 12, 2009

Evil Media on the Cartoon Channel

I'm staying at a Motel 6 in Williamsburg, Virginia, researching locationss for a pamphlet on travel to the city.

I've got a TV that's got Cable, although with only 22 channels its pretty lame! One of those channels is the Cartoon Channel.

I turned it on at 11.30 pm at night, when I suppose all impressionable kids are in bed. Thank god for that because the comercials are obscene, as is the programming - Family Guy. A cartoon that features bestiality - the dog has sex with the wife, and the young baby who speaks lie an adult but is still breast fed and has nothing but contempt for his mother...

Ah..I see this is "Adult Swim." No wonder this country is headed into the toilet in education, class, morals et al.

Edited...I'm surfing channels and have comew across WHRO. Full nudity of women's breasts, and genitalia, at a strip club! I didn't think this kind of stuff was allowed except on pay channels!And all those women should be euthanized for the disservice their doing their sisters! Take out the guys who go see that crap, too!

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