Sunday, March 22, 2009

Abortion rights

Let me start out by saying I believe in abortion rights. If a woman doesn't want to have a baby, she shouldn't be forced to have it. Of course, rather than using abortion as a form of birth control, the intelligent, or even just common sense thing to do, would be to teach these girls to use condoms or the pill or whatever. And if their guy doesn't want to use a condom... don't have sex with him. That would also prevent the spread of a little something called "Sexually Transmitted Diseases."

On a related note, for those girls who have no intention of getting abortions, but rather want to get pregnant regardless of the fact that they're only 14 to 16 (conditioned as they are to that, by the gifts of realistic babies when they're little girls), have no education, no job prospects, and don't even know the name of the guy they're having sex with.... we need to educate them as well, to value themselves as human beings first, and sex objects last!

Anyway, the point of this particular entry is an interesting bigoraphical note on a "Doctor Who Companion.", Anneke Wills.

In the 1960s, she was the live-in girl friend of actor/singer, Anthony Newley, and was pregnant with his child. He went off to America and fell in love with Joan Collins (whom he would later marry.) According to Wills, he sent her a rather cold-hearted telegram, ordering her to abort their child.

And she did so.

She recalls being taken by Newley's manager to see the two psychiatrists necessary to agree to an abortion.
'No expense was spared,' she says bitterly. 'I was in shock, absolutely heart-broken. I didn't know why he had changed his mind.'
When she finally booked into a clinic in Hampstead for a Caesarean abortion at four-and-a-half months pregnant, she remembers taking a doll with her.
'It was ghastly,' she says. 'I was sobbing my eyes out.'

Now, obviously, the 1960s were very different from today. Today, a girl would think, why should I have an abortion? This is your baby, I'm going to have it and you're going to have to support it. (The main reason why guys today should either get vasectomies or wear condoms - don't saddle yourself with child support payments for a one-night stand! Better still don't have a one-night stand to begin with...)

But what intrigued me about it was the fact that she had to see two psychiatrists before she could have an abortion. What did she tell them? "I want the baby, but my boyfriend told me to get an abortion." and they nod and say, "Well, as long as your boyfriend has told you to do it, he knows best."

Anneke Wills story is a sad one...

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