Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Evil Media: Disney Commercial

Okay, it's got nothing to do with women and culture per se, but it just annoys the heck out of me, because its part of the dumbing down of America.

I'm watching Frasier on the Lifetime channel, and have just seen a Disney commercial which I've seen a few other times.

Male kid, perhaps 10 or so, is sitting in a classroom, looking bored out of his mind (as with the rest of the 20 or so kids in the room) while a pompous teacher attempts to teach them something. Kid opens his notebook, and there's an envelope that says "Happy birthday." He opens it up, and the fireworks of Disney shoot out. All the kids ooh and ah...

So what is this commercial teaching kids? That school is boring, and always will be boring, and learning isn't important, anyway, because you can always go to Disneyworld on your parent's money....

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