Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Girls self-conscious about their height

I don't even know who Blake Lively is.... but I found this depressing piece of garbage at IMDFB:

Gossip Girl star Blake Lively is self-conscious about her height - and fears men find her towering stature intimidating.

The 21-year-old actress stands five foot ten inches (1.6 metres) tall and is made to wear high heels while she films the glamorous teen drama.

And Lively admits her lofty stature has always made her feel unattractive.

She tells Allure magazine, "I feel like a tranny (transvestite) a lot of the time. I'm large, they put me in six-inch heels, and I tower over every man - I've got this long hair and lots of clothes and make-up on.

"I just feel really big a lot of the time, and I'm surrounded by a lot of tiny people. I feel like a man sometimes."

I just find this mind-boggling. The woman is quite pretty, but because she's tall she thinks she's unattractive??? Oh, please. What short women wouldn't give to have a few inches!

Then there's the fact that most men these days -- real men, not actors - are an average of 5 ten, and more like six feet, what's the big deal.

One wonders if she was quoted out of context, speaking specifically of the role she was playing and not her real life... after all in real life she wouldn't be wearing 6 inch heels, surely.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Child support payments

A year or so ago, I read of a former NBA star who had been jailed because he was not making his child support payments. The idiot had 9 children - most by different mothers. None of whom he'd ever married.

And my question at that time was, hasn't this idiot ever heard of condoms? After giving birth to your third child, haven't you proved your virility enough such that you can now get a vasectomy or start using a condom so you can stop impregnating your women friends?

And of course the women must bear the brunt of the blame. If you're not married to the guy, why are you having unprotected sex with him? Are you deliberately trying to get pregnant so you'll have someone to keep you in luxury for the rest of your life?

And that is what I dont understand. When these basketball players are playing, obviously they make a ton of money, so the judges can set their child support payments pretty high.

But once they stop playing..surely the amount of money they must pay should be lessened! How can you expect a guy making nothign a year to continue to pay $2,000 a month child support, especially since he's probably blown all the millions he earned as a player.

Of course it's not just athletes. I remember reading about William Shatner, midway through Star Trek. He was getting a divorce, his soon to be ex wife was getting tons of money - and he was living in his car. Now that's not right!

And that brings me to the point of this post. Seems that:

Former NBA player and University of Florida standout Vernon Maxwell has been jailed in north Florida.

Alachua County authorities jailed Maxwell on Wednesday for violation of probation charges related to failing to pay child support, according to online jail records. A message left with a sheriff's office spokesman was not immediately returned.

During his 13-year NBA career, Maxwell helped the Houston Rockets win NBA titles in 1994 and 1995. Maxwell, a three-time all-Southeastern Conference selection, played at Florida from 1985-88.

Maxwell's attorney, Robert Rush, said child support payments were set when Maxwell was still a professional athlete and he can no longer meet the financial demands.

Rush called the matter a "sad and a recurring problem."

This is the significant point:

>>Maxwell's attorney, Robert Rush, said child support payments were set when Maxwell was still a professional athlete and he can no longer meet the financial demands.

Well then, my question is, why doesn't a judge lessen those payments to be a percentage of the money he is making now? It certainly isn't fair to make the guy continue to pay NBA-level child support when he isn't making NBA level money!

Should he be punished forever for his stupidity in having unprotected sex with a woman who got pregnat just so she could have a free meal ticket for the rest of her life? Let us not forget that 70% of all black children born, are born out of wedlock. And most of those kids are not born to men who are making NBA kind of money to begin with...

And let us not also forget that while the percentage of white girls and women giving birth out of wedlock was only 30%, that percentage grew faster than that of blacks and Latinos (50%).

Now, it's only common sense. If you don't have a stable family unit - whether it be hubby and wife, or hubby and hubby or wife and wife, depending on one' sexual orientation, then the kids are not going to be well off financially because a single person - especially one who is uneduated and on welfare herself - cannot take care of kids properly.

Which is why we get teen violence, and gangs, and half the population of the country in jail at one time or another - mostly for drug use. And now that doing jail time has become a "right of passage" for black Americans, that problem is only going to escalete, because no matter how sweet and simply misguided a kid is before he goes to jail, he's going to come out soiled and resentful and full of hate... and not towards the people he should be hating - the baby momma and the baby daddy who had him even though they couldnt afford him...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Women journalists are fair game

Remember a few years ago, when a female reporter asked Mike Tyson a question, and that fine, upstanding gentleman basically dismissed her as beneath dirt?

Now we've got Dana Winter, head of something called the UFC. You know the thing. The "sport" where two men go into a cage and try to beat each other to death.

And a reporter, who happened to be female (Loretta Hunt), claimed in an article that posted on article on that claimed the UFC was attempting to freeze out certain fighters' managers and agents.

So Dana Winter answers back to this reporter. But does he confine himself to the issues? Of course not. A woman dared criticize him, and so she has to be submitted - via video, of course, I guess he didn't actually track her down and scream it in her face - to the vilest of language. (Well...considering the class of kids today, probably nothing little girls dont' hear on the nearest street corner or in their own homes.)

Apparently he's apologized.... to the *gay* community... what is this? Gays watch UFC? Gays have too much power to do him harm if he doesn't apologize, but women don't.

Then we get this, from

The IQs on display there are formidable.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Military wives have no lives

It was rough being a military wife, or any kind of wife, up until the 1970s. Your job was to stay at home and take care of the house. That was it. You were only there to have kids, look after the kids, and take care of the house.

Now, here in 2009, women can be or do anything they want to be. A military wife? No problem. Go to school, get a degree, start a business. Write a book. Do something.

And what do they choose to do? Become surrogate mothers.

Of course in one way they're being capitalists - gays want children and use their sperm for the child, or infertile people use their sperm, and all the woman has to do is carry thd kid for 9 months and then hand it over.

But there's still something so.... offensive about it. It's like those 50 year old women who have babies because they have an 'empty nest' and don't have anything to do with their lives... they're nobodies, they don't exist, it's just sad that this is what 40 years of media indoctrination have done to US women.

Afghanistan Legalizes Rape

I advise you all to check out the photo on the site. Three women, swathed in burkhas and that other crap from top of their heads to their feet. They peer at the world out of slits in front of their eyes.

The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion in the world... because people are being forcibly converted. Sure, the Christians did it... 500 years ago. Today, we're supposed to be more civilized than this... but that's not the case for Muslims.

Afghanistan's President, Hamid Karzai, has signed a law which "legalises" rape, women's groups and the United Nations warn. Critics claim the president helped rush the bill through parliament in a bid to appease Islamic fundamentalists ahead of elections in August.

In a massive blow for women's rights, the new Shia Family Law negates the need for sexual consent between married couples, tacitly approves child marriage and restricts a woman's right to leave the home, according to UN papers seen by The Independent.

"It is one of the worst bills passed by the parliament this century," fumed Shinkai Karokhail, a woman MP who campaigned against the legislation. "It is totally against women's rights. This law makes women more vulnerable."

Related articles
US and Iran meet at Afghan conference
The law regulates personal matters like marriage, divorce, inheritance and sexual relations among Afghanistan's minority Shia community. "It's about votes," Ms Karokhail added. "Karzai is in a hurry to appease the Shia because the elections are on the way."

The provisions are reminiscent of the hardline Taliban regime, which banned women from leaving their homes without a male relative. But in a sign of Afghanistan's faltering steps towards gender equality, politicians who opposed it have been threatened.

"There are moderate views among the Shia, but unfortunately our MPs, the people who draft the laws, rely on extremists," Ms Karokhail said.

The bill lay dormant for more than a year, but in February it was rushed through parliament as President Karzai sought allies in a constitutional row over the upcoming election. Senator Humeira Namati claimed it wasn't even read out in the Upper House, let alone debated, before it was passed to the Supreme Court. "They accused me of being an unbeliever," she said.

Details of the law emerged after Mr Karzai was endorsed by Afghanistan's Supreme Court to stay in power until elections scheduled in August. Some MPs claimed President Karzai was under pressure from Iran, which maintains a close relationship with Afghanistan's Shias. The most controversial parts of the law deal explicitly with sexual relations. Article 132 requires women to obey their husband's sexual demands and stipulates that a man can expect to have sex with his wife at least "once every four nights" when travelling, unless they are ill. The law also gives men preferential inheritance rights, easier access to divorce, and priority in court.

A report by the United Nations Development Fund for Women, Unifem, warned: "Article 132 legalises the rape of a wife by her husband".

Most of Afghanistan's Shias are ethnic Hazaras, descended from Genghis Khan's Mongol army which swept through the entire region around 700 years ago. They are Afghanistan's third largest ethnic group, and potential kingmakers, because their leaders will likely back a mainstream candidate.

Even the law's sponsors admit Mr Karzai rushed it through to win their votes. Ustad Mohammad Akbari, a prominent Shia political leader, said: "It's electioneering. Most of the Hazara people are unhappy with Mr Karzai."

A British Embassy spokesman said diplomats had raised concerns "at a senior level".

The baby conspiracy...

Last night, for the first time, I saw the Bones episode "The Salt in the Wounds", which had first aired on March 19, 2009. (I guess once they air it on it's normal channel, they repeat it a few weeks later on TNT, which is where I saw it.)

Anyway, a body is found, turns out to be a pregnant 16 year old white teenager. As the team investigates, they learn that at a certain high school, five other members of the girl's volleyball team (most white, one black) are pregnant.

Turns out, the girls had made a pact to get pregnant by a male student, blackmail mail teachers into giving them $5,000 each, and then set up house together where they could raise their kids on their own.

This is one of a couple of cop plots spawned by the real life obscenity that took place at Gloucester High School, in Massachusetts. I share Wikipedia's article on it:

On June 18, 2008, the high school drew international attention as news reports broke that a group of 17 female students had become pregnant in the last year, with some, reportedly, as a consequence of an agreement they had made. Some of the girls allegedly said that they had participated in the pact so that they could raise their babies together. There have been reports that one student went so far as to recruit a homeless 24-year-old man in her efforts to conceive.

Media reactions to the event ranged from general criticism of the episode as representing a misguided adolescent shortcut to adulthood and identity, to the matter of whether statutory rape occurred. (Many of the adolescent girls involved were sixteen years old or younger.) However, most early media reactions were not completely accurate because they had not received all of the necessary information until later.

During the 2007-2008 school year, two staff members began to publicly advocate that the school clinic provide contraception without parental consent, largely in response to the surge in student pregnancies. This recommendation drew opposition from the board of Addison Gilbert Hospital, which sponsors the clinic. The clinic staff, a pediatrician and nurse practitioner, resigned in protest at the end of the school year.[8] On October 8, 2008 the Gloucester School Committee granted the use of contraceptives by way of the Student Health Center provided that the use be approved by the parents.

Anyway, in the Bones plot, Bones and her sidekick, FBI agent Sealy Booth, of course have different reactions to the events. Bones sees nothing wrong with it. (Or at least, says she doesn't.) Bones says (and I paraphrase) that it's an anthroplogical imperative for these girls to take control of their own lives because they've learned that guy's can't be trusted.

Now, I like the TV show Bones, and I like the character of Bones, but that was just the stupidest thing I've ever heard or say. There was no "anthropological imperative." There were a group of girls who have been trained from day 1 that they are to look pretty so they can get married and a boy will take care of them. Girls don't really want to have careers, they want to be taken care of.

So the instigator of the plot, the most popular girl in the school, who is also the most intelligent, gets a scholarship to a prestigious college. And her parents are so pround and "begin making plans for the rest of her life." And the girl decides to rebel by getting pregnant, so she can take over her own life, apparently.

Where's the need to distrust a guy in that, is the question I'm asking myself. It's not a question of distrusting a guy, it's a question of the woman not wanting to assume any responsibility for her actions, or for growing up. So, you get pregnant, and you blackmail someone to give you $5,000. (IN real life of course, you get pregnant, and go on the welfare rolls).

But the ending of the episode was very interesting, I thought. Sealy Booth, who has a son out of wedlock himself, but whom he loves and supports, goes to talk to the "baby daddy" of these girls. And this kid is supposed to be a nerd, who is all proud of himself because he was able to get six girls pregnant (little thinking that it was not because they found him in the least bit attractive, simply because he was available.)

But he has these six kids and of course he has no intention of supporting them. We don't know why that is...apparently he had not been party to the plan to blackmail the teachers for $5,000 each...he just didn't think he'd have to do it.

And Sealy points out that he probably will have to do it. And then he tells the kid that the girl who is dead was going to have given birth to a son.

And, oh wow, the first trace of remorse on the kid's face! "I was going to have...a son..." he says. So he doesn't care diddly squat about the fact that he fathered some female children, but when he learns that he would have had a son, he gets all teary-eyed????? What's up with that?